Does Your Church Need a Water Alarm?

When a pipe bursts or a sump pump fails, water can flood huge areas of a church building. Stopping the flow quickly can mean the difference between having to dry out one classroom or an entire wing of the building.

Water alarm systems can help your ministry stop a flood before it starts. Not only do they instantly sound an alert, but some can text your cell phone or automatically shut off the water supply. This limits the scope of the damage, allowing your ministry to resume normal activities more quickly.

How do water alarms work?

In their simplest form, water alarms sense the presence of water and let you know it’s there. They can alert you to overflowing baptisteries, leaking water heaters, malfunctioning sump pumps, or problems with the church plumbing. Some can be wired into your existing fire or security alarm systems.

What types are available?

You’ll find two basic types of water alarms: Passive and active.

  • Passive: These systems can sound an alarm (and text or call you), but they won’t shut off the water.
  • Active: When water is detected, these will automatically shut off the water supply, either to the entire building or the affected part of it.

Both types of systems can be programmed to call, email, or text you in the event of a water emergency. This feature is especially important for ministry buildings, which can be unoccupied for days at a time. It allows a person to respond right away, instead of arriving at the church Sunday morning to see children’s Sunday school materials floating down the hall.


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